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All Collections🎯 Prospecting with LEO ! [GUIDE]
✅ Prospecting Profiles that LEO Recommends to Fill Your Appointment Schedule
✅ Prospecting Profiles that LEO Recommends to Fill Your Appointment Schedule

Discover how to leverage the full potential of LEO to generate the maximum number of leads.

Updated over a week ago

Hello everyone, I am Lukas Thys, the founder of LEO Bizdev, an AI prospecting assistant that I use daily to fill my appointment schedule.

A 3-Step Plan has begun to emerge to maximize prospecting performance, and I wanted to share it with you so you can test it and be inspired.

Let me know what you think!

Step 1: Ask LEO for Prospect Suggestions

The first step for effective prospecting is to target the right profiles. With LEO, you can ask for profile suggestions that match your ideal client.

LEO uses advanced algorithms to select the most relevant profiles, allowing you to focus on qualified prospects.

Every day, I spend 15-20 minutes reviewing LEO's suggestions and "validating" the prospect profiles that interest me.

I no longer need to search for prospects myself, scrape, or clean them up... That’s all over with LEO. It suggests profiles to me one by one like on Tinder! I can then focus on selecting prospects and making contact.

Advantages of Using LEO for Prospecting:

No more hours spent scanning LinkedIn to find the right prospects. With LEO, this time-consuming task becomes a thing of the past.

LEO searches for the most relevant profiles for you, allowing you to devote your time to more strategic activities.

One of the major challenges in prospecting is ensuring that the profiles you target truly meet your criteria.

LEO excels in this area by providing highly relevant profiles aligned with your objectives and search criteria.

You can be sure to target the right people from the start.

With better prospect selection, your response rate significantly improves. LEO helps you reach a more receptive and engaged audience, increasing your chances of receiving positive responses.

By targeting qualified prospects, each interaction becomes more meaningful and productive.

Step 2: Send a LinkedIn Invitation Without a Note to the Profiles You Want to Prospect

Not adding a note when sending a LinkedIn invitation may seem strange or counterintuitive at first.

But in reality, the explanation is simple: the 300 characters allowed (or 200 characters if you are on LinkedIn Basic) for an invitation note are not enough for truly effective personalization.

Why you should send Linkedin invitations without note? LEO Bizdev Blog

In fact, trying to condense a personalized message into so few words often gives a generic and unengaging impression.

Imagine this: you receive a connection request with a note that simply says, "Hello, I would like to connect with you to discuss mutual opportunities." It sounds like a copy-paste message, right? And that’s the problem.

In trying to personalize a message within such a limited space, it’s easy to fall into the trap of banality.

This type of message can be perceived as impersonal and automated, reducing your chances of making a good first impression.

Our user statistics show that connection requests without a note have a 30% higher acceptance rate.

This is because these requests seem less pushy and less robotic. LinkedIn users are more likely to accept a connection when they don’t feel immediately solicited by a generic message.

Many bizdevs confirm this and report better receptivity to their connection requests without a note.

They find that their acceptance rates increase because prospects don’t feel overwhelmed by messages from the start.

In summary, the absence of a note in your connection request can work in your favor. It creates a more natural and less intrusive approach, leaving room for more substantial personalization once the connection is accepted.

Step 3: Engage in Conversation After the Connection is Accepted by Asking LEO to Prepare an Ultra-Personalized Message

Once your connection request is accepted, this is where LEO becomes an even more powerful asset.

Here’s how to practically engage in a discussion with your new contacts and maximize the number of responses!

Regularly check your new connections and choose the prospects you want to engage with.

After each prospecting session, take the time to check the new accepted connections. It is essential to stay responsive to capitalize on the initial interest of your new contacts.

Send post connections follow up messages with LEO, prospecting Assistant

Focus on the profiles that seem most relevant to you first!

Ask LEO to draft a truly personalized message Use LEO to craft personalized and engaging messages. By analyzing profiles and available data, LEO can help you create messages that really resonate with your prospects.

This step is crucial because a well-crafted message can make all the difference in engaging your prospect.

To learn more about how LEO crafts messages, check out our dedicated article on this topic => How LEO Writes Prospecting Messages?

Send the message to the prospect

Once LEO has generated a message you find relevant, send it to your prospect. If needed, you can tweak or modify it before sending. With LEO, you remain in control.

The results of direct messages (DM) are better because, unlike connection notes, they have no character restrictions.

LEO can therefore personalize the message in-depth, adding relevant details and showing a genuine interest in the prospect.

Sending a TRULY personalized message (we’re not talking about "variables" or "icebreakers" here) demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to know your prospect. It creates a positive impression and fosters a trust-based relationship.

Prospects are more likely to respond to a message that seems sincere and specifically written for them. It shows that you are not mass prospecting but are genuinely interested in their profile and needs.

Finally, a prospect who has accepted your connection request is already inclined to learn more about you. They are more receptive to a direct message as they have shown initial interest by accepting the connection.

By adopting this strategy, you increase your chances of turning your LinkedIn connections into real opportunities. Try this method with LEO and see how it can transform your approach to prospecting.


In summary, to maximize your prospecting performance with LEO, follow this three-step plan:

  1. Ask for profile suggestions,

  2. Send LinkedIn invitations without a note,

  3. Engage in conversation after acceptance with personalized messages.

The simplest things are the most effective:

In 15/20 minutes of prospecting per day and by following this method, you will generate new leads like never before!

Personally, I have 3 weeks of appointments booked in my calendar. And as a founder, you can imagine I have more than just prospecting to do!

So no excuses please: you definitely have 15/20 minutes a day to dedicate to your prospecting if you want to find new clients and grow your revenue 👇

If you found these tips useful, share them with your colleagues and friends.

Share your experiences and results in the comments.

Happy Prospecting 💪
Lukas ✌

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