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πŸ“ How Does LEO Write Prospecting Messages?

Discover the mechanisms that allow LEO to generate effective messages in just 2 seconds!

Updated over a week ago

Hello everyone! I'm Lukas Thys, founder of LEO, the AI bizdev assistant that smartly and strategically fills your schedule with appointments.

Today, I will unveil the behind-the-scenes of LEO to explain how our AI writes ultra-personalized and effective prospecting messages.

Whether you're a novice in prospecting or a seasoned veteran, this article is designed to give you practical and actionable insights.

Get ready to discover how LEO can transform your prospecting efforts into guaranteed success.

LEO: The assistant that suggests the best prospects and the best messages for contacting them

LEO is more than just a tool, it's your new AI bizdev assistant. Designed for ultra-targeted prospecting, LEO stands out for its ability to understand your specific needs and adapt accordingly.

"Personalization is the key to success" – this is what we firmly believe at LEO, and each message our AI writes reflects this philosophy.

LEO starts by analyzing your needs and criteria to suggest the most relevant prospects. But that's not all. Once the profiles are selected, LEO writes personalized and engaging messages for each prospect, maximizing your chances of getting a positive response.

How does LEO generate prospecting messages?

1) Fundamental principle: LEO is trained to write messages to get the maximum number of positive responses

The writing of prospecting messages by LEO is based on a fundamental principle: maximizing positive responses. Thanks to the power of GPT-4, LEO is capable of generating messages that capture the attention of prospects and encourage them to respond.

Our AI is continually trained and optimized to improve its performance and increase response rates.

2) LEO analyzes the prospect's profile and their company to personalize their message

Personalization is at the heart of LEO's strategy. For each message, LEO meticulously analyzes the prospect's profile and their company.

With this analysis, LEO retrieves relevant information to rely on when writing the message. Its goal is to determine, among the mass of information available, those that would be most effective to integrate into the message.

LEO also considers the history of messages exchanged with the prospect (in case a conversation already exists) to avoid repetitions and make each interaction unique and relevant.

3) LEO respects your guidelines and message structures

Besides data analysis, LEO scrupulously respects your guidelines and message structures. You can define message templates and specific instructions that LEO will follow to ensure that each message conforms to your style and communication strategy. Whether you prefer a formal or informal tone, LEO adapts to your preferences to write messages that resemble you.

LEO adapts to all situations when writing its messages

1) Send a LinkedIn Invitation accompanied by a Note

Sending an invitation on LinkedIn is often the first step to establishing a professional connection. LEO helps you create personalized and engaging invitations.

By analyzing the prospect's profile, LEO writes a connection request that maximizes your chances of acceptance. Rather than settling for a generic message, LEO integrates specific elements of the prospect's profile, making the invitation more relevant and attractive.

=> Personalized invitations by LEO significantly increase the acceptance rate of LinkedIn connections.

2) Start a conversation with a member of your LinkedIn network

Once the connection is established, it is crucial to turn this relationship into a meaningful interaction. LEO helps you engage in conversations naturally and relevantly.

By analyzing the prospect's profile, their company, their experiences, their missions, their responsibilities, their interests... LEO proposes messages that captivate the prospect's attention and spark their interest.

=> The messages created by LEO are designed to engage the prospect and maximize the response rate.

3) Re-engage a conversation with a member of your LinkedIn network

Re-engaging a contact can be tricky, especially if the conversation has faded. LEO handles this with finesse by considering the history of exchanges.

Rather than simply following a script, LEO integrates previously discussed elements to create a natural and relevant follow-up. LEO's personalized follow-ups reactivate conversations effectively, increasing the chances of turning a connection into an opportunity.

=> There are likely many prospects already in your current network (level 1 on LinkedIn). Re-engage them with LEO!

Why doesn't LEO write Inmail on LinkedIn? [Aside]

Inmails, although attractive for their ability to directly reach users outside your network, suffer from several limitations that make them less effective compared to direct messages (DMs) on LinkedIn.

Here's why DMs outperform Inmails in terms of performance and personalization:

Inmails are perceived as too "promotional"

Inmails can sometimes be perceived as spam, as they come from someone outside the direct network of the recipient. LinkedIn users are often more receptive to messages from their network, as they expect more relevant and less promotional interactions.

While when you send a DM, it is evident that you and your recipient are part of the same network. This pre-existing connection creates a context of familiarity and trust, making your message less intrusive and more relevant.

The open and response rate of DMs is much higher

Statistics show that direct messages have a significantly higher open and response rate than Inmails. According to studies, the performance of DMs is 3 to 4 times higher compared to Inmails.

Several reasons explain this difference:

  • Notification and Visibility: DMs appear directly in the LinkedIn inbox of users, accompanied by a notification. This ensures immediate visibility.

  • Perception of Value: A direct message gives the impression of being sent intentionally and targeted, which gives it a perceived higher value. Users are more inclined to open and respond to a message they consider relevant to them, as opposed to an Inmail, which can often be perceived as generic or spam.

LEO goes far beyond the use of simple variables! It generates "contextual text"

Static variables belong in the past. With LEO, you use dynamic structures to create ultra-personalized messages.

Unlike traditional tools that simply fill in predefined fields, LEO generates complete and coherent sentences that perfectly adapt to the context of the message.

For example, here is a message structure:

Hello [first name], I see that you [...]. On my side, I [...] and I am contacting you because [...]. Would you be available for [...]? Best,

In this example, it's LEO that will intelligently fill in all the [...] on its own. It analyzes the context and chooses the most appropriate sentences for each prospect.

This means that two messages using the same structure can be radically different, as LEO adapts the content to the specific information of each prospect.

LEO uses advanced algorithms to generate contextual text, making each message unique and highly relevant.

With LEO, you maintain control and approve messages before sending

With LEO, you remain in control. LEO suggests messages that you are free to tweak before sending.

If you are not satisfied with the first proposal, you can ask LEO to regenerate the message until it perfectly matches your expectations. The ability to regenerate messages ensures that you always receive communication perfectly aligned with your style and goals.

This flexibility allows you to retain full control over the tone and content of the messages sent.

Get 4 to 5 times more responses by using messages written by LEO!

The performance of messages written by LEO achieves 4 to 5 times more responses thanks to advanced personalization, precise contextual analysis, and the ability to adapt each message to the unique profile of the prospect.

Unlike traditional approaches that rely on generic scripts, LEO uses artificial intelligence to meticulously analyze the specific information of the prospect and their company.

This allows for the creation of messages that resonate personally with each recipient, significantly increasing their engagement and propensity to respond.

By integrating stylistic preferences and specific user directives, LEO ensures that each communication is not only relevant but also aligned with the overall prospecting strategy, thus transforming interactions into concrete opportunities and multiplying response rates by four or five.


If you are prospecting today, you have the choice between wasting your time thinking about which message to send to each prospect or automating your prospecting with generic messages that underperform and cause you to miss opportunities.

LEO offers a new, both fast and effective way to conduct quality prospecting and maximize the number of opportunities.

With LEO, send messages that will maximize your response rate and significantly increase your number of appointments.

Remember, the key to successful prospecting lies in quality and personalization.

Try LEO today and get ready to fill your schedule with appointments like never before.

For any questions or to learn more, feel free to contact me directly. I am here to help you make the most of LEO and boost your business prospecting.

Happy prospecting!

Lukas ✌

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